We have the power to be powerful! by Laura Kolaczkowski

Have you seen the news and the video replays of the healthcare advocates who stormed the Hill and demanded conversation about Medicaid coverage from our Congressional members? I have and can’t express my appreciation enough to these people who banded together to make a difference – I shed tears of sadness and gratitude as I watched them being led out in their wheelchairs while in police restraints.  It again helps me to appreciate the power we have as a community when we band together.

We don’t have to be in Washington to have an impact on healthcare – there are other ways besides participating in protests where we can add our own voice.  Not everyone is into political activism but we all want to help, right?  Don’t overlook that little acts done by individuals can add up to big things and also be powerful.

Today I am writing to ask you and those you know who care about our lives with MS to do one simple thing and join me at iConquerMS.  Over 4,000 people from around the world have already joined and are sharing their healthcare ideas and data, helping to advance MS research. iConquerMS is an independent group led by people personally touched by MS, and is endorsed by the major MS advocacy organizations, including the MS Foundation, MSAA, CanDo MS and NMSS. You can learn more at our website.

Imagine what would happen if each of us just did one thing to help … whether it be raise your voice for awareness, flex your political muscle for action, or join us at iConquerMS .  All of these can improve our lives, and I urge you to do one or more of these today and help to make a difference for everyone affected by MS. Please join me today at https://www.iconquerms.org/

About Laura Kolaczkowski:

Laura Kolaczkowski was diagnosed with MS in 2008.  She is the Co-principal investigator for iConquerMS and the lead patient representative. Her interests have taken her into the world of patient centered research, which is meant to deliver answers that are meaningful to the MS community. She is medically retired from the University of Dayton thanks to her MS,  and lives with her husband in Ohio.

Laura writes regularly for MultipleSclerosis.net and authors the column Engaging Thoughts for Multiple Sclerosis News Today, and has contributed to a variety of other online sites.  She recently presented Putting the Focus on You, an MS Awareness month program for the MS Foundation about iConquerMS, and the complete audio with slides explaining more can be found here.  She is excited about this opportunity to share more about iConquerMS with the wonderful community at MS Pals.

Here is more Information about Laura and her work:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ggVymTcJ94A&feature=youtu. be&list=PLp_9_ZFx3T2US- L5lW77x527dS5063QvG

https://multiplesclerosis.net/ author/laura

https:// multiplesclerosisnewstoday. com/category/engaging- thoughts-ms-blog/


2 thoughts on “We have the power to be powerful! by Laura Kolaczkowski

  1. Because of such brave activists the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Title V, was put in place by Congress to correct the problem of discrimination against people with disabilities in the United States.

    I’m grateful for these voices! Let’s not go backward.

    1. This group of folks who championed for our rights back in the ’70’s are amazing and I can’t agree with you more, Nancy. Thanks for taking the time to acknowledge their efforts.

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