Teri Garr: Speedbumps in life with MS & Hollywood – An MSpals Tribute

I had the pleasure of meeting Teri Garr in 2002, one year after I was diagnosed with MS.  She was the keynote speaker at a seminar for MS in Fort Worth, Texas.  I’ve adored her as a personality/celebrity & have loved her work ever since seeing her in on the big screen in Young Frankenstein, Tootsie, Mr. Mom, etc.  When she was cast as Phoebe’s mom on Friends, I was still in adoration & filled with inspiration.  I had read her book, Speedbumps & something about her very being, her words, her openness filled me with a peaceful state of mind & the ability to laugh out loud.  When I watched her on Friends, I was able to sit in front of my television & watch her with a smile on my face… knowing & remembering I had actually met her in person, shook her hand & spoke with her for a few, fleeting moments.  That’s something I’ll never forget & although she has no idea who I am, I am forever grateful for knowing her.


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