Nancy’s Posts & Pins Tips #4

One of the ways that Nancy Day is able to save some spoons that we don’t often think about is by finding Accessible and Simple recipes.  By saving some effort in the cooking department, she is able to invest more in just living.  Today we share a couple of the recipes that Nancy has tried and shared through the MSpals Pinterest boards!

Tip #4

This is the first recipe that I saved in Pinterest. I had been looking for simple recipes that I could make. I was still standing and walking. To keep the fatigue level low I needed something I could make without too many utensils or a lot of measuring and stirring. I called that board Accessible / Simple Cooking. The first of the Accessible / Simple boards. I have saved many of the pins in our MS Pals Pinterest boards.




Oh, you should also try the meatloaf.
It’s one of the easiest recipes I’ve made. You don’t have to be in a wheelchair to like this one

One thought on “Nancy’s Posts & Pins Tips #4

  1. Meatloaf is great for next day sandwiches. If you cook it with a slice or 3 of bacon draped over the top, save the bacon, it adds flavor to a sandwich the next day.

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