Take a virtual seat on Capital Hill. Watch, listen or follow along with the full transcripts provided by CSPAN as lawmakers & various committee members representing the Social Security Association (SSA) attempt to address the many problems which afflict the antiquated system as a whole.
This committee meeting was held exactly one year ago (September, 2017). The questions & concerns posed by lawmakers reveal a disturbing look into the system as a whole. The writing is clearly on the wall, yet there is much to be done. In the meantime, people deserved of receiving benefits will continue to be scrutinized, ignored & left to suffer a quality of life, less than human. I have posted this video/transcript on Facebook a few times over the past year, yet I feel more people owe it to themselves to see what’s going on in Washington. I especially encourage those who live with disabilities & chronic illness to be aware of the various hearings/meetings on Capital Hill available to view anytime.
In case you’re put off by this idea because you have a disdain for the ongoing divisiveness & political chatter, I urge you to look beyond that. Instead, try to view this as an opportunity to know what’s going on & educate yourselves – it truly can make a difference. Every couple weeks, I tend to scroll through the CSPAN schedule of hearings on my TV. When I notice a particular hearing/ meeting in which the issues concern me & my advocacy needs, I’ll set my DVR accordingly. Remember, this is government at work, so we must do our part to get involved & speak up when our needs are NOT being heard! Again, all meetings are available to view live on CSPAN or anytime online. Complete transcripts are available to download too.
Lastly, my hope is people will take a moment to explore these important resources, learn from them & will find a way to pay it forward by sharing with others. Every day, I see who people are posting stories or questions regarding their many trials & few tribulations as they try to navigate through the approval process. It’s a daunting, foreign territory for most of us, so I decided this topic would benefit many if it were a FEATURED post on our website. Over time, I plan to include additional posts & videos regarding legal matters & disability rights as a whole. Hopefully, the information & resources provided will be of help to others who haven’t a clue where to start. Please share this post with your friends, family & online communities. Also, let us know if there are other issues/topics you feel would be valuable & could benefit others in our world. Remember, MSpals is a global community, so we strongly urge others to submit content dealing with disability benefits & other legalities on an international level.
Click on the link below to connect directly to complete video coverage, transcripts, & additional information pertaining to the 2017 SSA Disability meeting via CSPAN. Also, check out CSPAN.com for additional resources as desired.
2017 SSA Disability Approval Process: Capital Hill Committee Meeting/ Hearing, CSPAN