MS; Fight or Flight?

When something traumatic happens, every human being in existence has a fight or flight response. To learn more about the psychological definition you can click here

This could be for extreme circumstances but in this instance, I’m talking about MS. In regards to my own MS, the personal response I have is to fight. To run away could mean deterioration of my health and my well being.  Not everyone has this particular response which brings me to an extreme sadness to think about. I wish there was a way to reach out to every single person who is in that emotional position. MS is not the end of the world. I learned this from my mother, who has had an MS diagnosis since I was 5 years old. Not being raised with that mindset could have made me a completely different person, and for that I am grateful. I was exposed to the reality of it. My mother didn’t ever “hide” it from me. Some parents may not agree with this type of parenting but for me, it saved my life and my future.

If you feel like running from your diagnosis it could mean that your future will be that much tougher. Take care of yourself, know that the treatments that are available will improve your quality of life. I know doctors appointments are a pain (we have so many!) but the end result will be worth it, I promise.

With Love,

Rebecca Elizabeth (A Punk With MS)

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