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Here are a 10 ways to de-stress when you have MS
Multiple Sclerosis & Finding A Doctor: 10 Things To Consider
Finding a doctor that you trust, someone that instills a sense of support and validation while imparting knowledge in a way you can understand can be difficult in the best of times. But finding...
Life is Too Precious, Too Short and Too Unpredictable to Waste a Single Moment
Death, the lose of life. It is something that many of us have been bombarded with over the past few weeks. First Malaysian flight 370 with 239 passengers disappears, with seemingly no trace of...
“Are you claustrophobic?” asks the radiologist.I awkwardly respond, “No, I’m not...”As I walk down the hallway and into the room with the MRI machine, I ponder…does another scenario exist...
The Chronic Illness and Life Rollercoaster I recently attended a class where the stages of grief were outlined. The stages were denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. As the...
Accommodating the Holidays and Your Chronic Illness – By Tiffany Campbell
Holidays can lead to frustration when dealing with a chronic illness. That doesn't have to be the case. Change and be good!
Annual Flu Vaccine, MS, and MS Medications ~ by Lisa Emrich @LisaEmrich
Lisa Emrich is author of the award-winning blog Brass and Ivory: Life with MS and RA and founder of the Carnival of MS Bloggers. Follow Lisa on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Published via...