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Here are a 10 ways to de-stress when you have MS
Hey all... I have good news and bad news. The BAD NEWS is that I had a pretty bad fall. Knees and palms were pretty shredded up, I may have a fucked up wrist -it hurts like hell to "move it...
"Think positive" is something we have all heard - probably so often that we are about sick of it. It can be especially frustrating when our MS causes us to have a difficult time thinking at all!...
Another Year with MS – Being A Strong MF & Living Out My Dream
My life has changed SO much in the past 10 years, when I sit down and spend any time thinking about it, it really is mind blowing. When I was first diagnosed with MS - I was blessed to have a doctor...
1. Take a warm bath As someone with MS, I am often dissuaded from anything warm. Heat tends to slow down your neurons, and if your neurological system is impaired this can cause issues to appear. The...
Resources - ALL THINGS About MS If this a duplicate, my apologies but I did want to make sure to share it, as there are SO many amazing blogs, sites, groups and videos out there. There are so...
MS Book Review: The Dog Story by Matt Cavallo- A MUST read!!!!
When I was first diagnosed there were a few books out there, but mainly ones that were medical in nature; whether describing what MS is, listing common symptoms or suggesting foods or a diet that...