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Here are a 10 ways to de-stress when you have MS
For the life & love of our pets - a dedication to our furry friends ~
Welcome to a new series of posts featuring some of Nancy Day's favorite lifestyle tips & pins!
Meet Donna & Chris Guzikowski - These two sweethearts weren't looking for love, yet they found it in all the right places!
Reading & Understanding Your MRI: Your Neurologist Can (& Should) Be Your Tutor
Make it a point to ask your neurologist to show you your scans & explain your MRI images & results with you.
Anthony (Tony) Brown is the administrator for MSpals: UK Facebook page. Say "Hi!" to him if you get the chance!
Hugs can be comforting. MS hugs can be frustrating. Painful even. Megan Lewellyn shares her experience of the dreaded MS hug with MSpals.