Check this post out
Here are a 10 ways to de-stress when you have MS
Being involved does not stop with MSpals! Your MSpals should give you something to build on. Be an advocate. Educate others about MS and be open to learning from those without it. You are not...
Communication Challenges & MS: Develop Skills for Better Communication
Communication is really important for us at MSpals! We hope that we do okay with both speaking and listening. Here are some pointers for making the most of communicating with MS!
In her newest weekly installment, Nancy Day encourages us to get out and get active with her suggestions about enabled gardening options!
MSpals is all about our pals. We want to encourage all members to participate in making MSpals great!
It is summertime! It is very important for all of us MSpals to stay cool! Nancy Day has some Pinterest ideas to keep us cool in the summertime! Who is up for some drinks?
Meet Marcus - A true Renaissance man from California & an advocate for MS