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Here are a 10 ways to de-stress when you have MS
According to Healthline: Some people with multiple sclerosis (MS) can feel their symptoms worsen when they become overheated. When elevated body temperature impairs vision, it’s called...
For this last week of MS Awareness month, FALLS are going to be a theme for MSPals. Mainly because I don't think I have met a person who has had MS for any length of time who has not fallen! Like...
Hey all... I have good news and bad news. The BAD NEWS is that I had a pretty bad fall. Knees and palms were pretty shredded up, I may have a fucked up wrist -it hurts like hell to "move it...
"Think positive" is something we have all heard - probably so often that we are about sick of it. It can be especially frustrating when our MS causes us to have a difficult time thinking at all!...
Another Year with MS – Being A Strong MF & Living Out My Dream
My life has changed SO much in the past 10 years, when I sit down and spend any time thinking about it, it really is mind blowing. When I was first diagnosed with MS - I was blessed to have a doctor...
1. Take a warm bath As someone with MS, I am often dissuaded from anything warm. Heat tends to slow down your neurons, and if your neurological system is impaired this can cause issues to appear. The...